International Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Amman, Jordan

26th January 2026

Event Starts

33 Days

12 Hours

45 Minutes

25 Seconds

Objective of the Conference

The International Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology will be held on 26th January 2026 in Amman, Jordan. This conference, organized by Inderscience, will unite experts, scholars, and professionals globally to explore the latest trends, research, and innovations in Environment. The conference is designed to offer a platform for participants to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and discover new perspectives on emerging trends in these fields. It provides a chance to present research, engage in insightful discussions, and connect with peers from various backgrounds. This event offers a great opportunity to stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in Environment.

For additional information or questions, please reach out to the Conference Coordinator.

We are excited to welcome participants from across the globe to this inspiring event.

Conference Details at a Glance

Title International Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Start Date Jan. 26, 2026
End Date Jan. 27, 2026
Submission Deadline Jan. 4, 2026
Location Amman, Jordan
Organizer Inderscience
Topic Environment
Inquery Email [email protected]

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