International Conference on International Marketing and Global Business Management

Hamburg, Germany

4th February 2026

Event Starts

33 Days

12 Hours

45 Minutes

25 Seconds

Objective of the Conference

Join us for the International Conference on International Marketing and Global Business Management on 2026-02-04 at Hamburg. The International Conference on International Marketing and Global Business Management, organized by Academicsera, will bring together leading experts, scholars, and professionals to share insights on the latest trends and research in Marketing. The aim of the conference is to create an opportunity for participants to share their knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore new viewpoints on the evolving trends in these fields. It presents an opportunity to showcase research findings, engage in thoughtful exchanges, and connect with peers from a variety of fields. This event offers a great opportunity to stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in Marketing.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the Conference Coordinator.

We are thrilled to invite participants from all around the globe to take part in this enriching event.

Conference Details at a Glance

Title International Conference on International Marketing and Global Business Management
Start Date Feb. 4, 2026
End Date Feb. 5, 2026
Submission Deadline Jan. 20, 2026
Location Hamburg, Germany
Organizer Academicsera
Topic Marketing
Inquery Email [email protected]

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